Nurse Empowerment Stronger Together

Congratulations to all of the nurses on their professional holiday!

You might not guess but Europe wants to know more about Ukrainian nurses. The interest is supported by the European Commission.

It covers the areas of responsibility of Ukrainian nurses, the level of integrated care provided by nurses in pediatrics, as well as:

  • working conditions
  • whether there is an opportunity for continuous professional development
  • current situation of the remuneration

Our state is in the middle of Europe and our healthcare practitioners work in a lot of countries. They have proven themselves there. Therefore, the European Commission aims at improving the quality of healthcare provision in the Eastern Partnership countries. It requires studying the history of nursing development in Ukraine, historical preconditions, resources, and political situation in particular.

Research of the European Commission

The research is called NEST — Nurse Empowerment Stronger Together.

It will be held in three countries of the Eastern Partnership: Ukraine, Georgia, and Armenia. Why there? Similar researches were held in western European countries. Now it’s time to find out factors that influence the development of the nursing field in Eastern Europe, in the post-Soviet space: why there is a brain drain of nurses, what is needed for the development of the nursing.

Nurse Empowerment Stronger Together

How research will be held

The research will be held in four regions of our country. Nurses will take part in individual interviews and 15 focus groups. The same methodological researches with the same questionnaire will happen in Georgia and Armenia.

A lot has been already done: the questionnaires are ready, partnerships set up, healthcare centers and nurses for individual interviews selected. All of the processes are simultaneously happening in participating countries.

What is the future of the results

Based on the gathered results, a comparative analysis will be conducted, conclusions will be made and a large international nursing conference will be held in Lviv.

Important! The event was supposed to have happened. Yet quarantine has made its adjustments in time and space. The exact date of the conference will be announced soon.

Due to evidence-based data:

  • organizers will create recommendations for decision-makers and influencers on the nursing field
  • international cooperation will be launched between partners: Ukrainian nurses will be able to learn about the experience of their colleagues from Georgia and Armenia
  • employers will improve their perception of the nursing profession
  • not only Ukrainian but also foreign academics, managers, lawmakers will hear ideas of the participants of the conference

Being the leader of the project team, I believe that an extremely important aspect of this international research is the fact that the coordinators from the partner countries are doctors, and from Ukraine – a nurse. I do not consider it personal merit. I am happy that the changes have started. Today, every nurse, all of us, have received recognition. So, congratulations to all participants of the reserch and to all of you who care and contribute.

Dear Colleagues, I invite you to take part in the nursing conference. See you in Lviv!

Oleksandra Palahitska,

Coordinator of NEST project in Ukraine, Chief Nurse in Anna Mazurenko Children’s Health Center, lecturer at Higher Educational Communal Institution of Lviv Regional Council "Andrey Krupynskyi Lviv Medical Academy"

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